SAFETY / DOT compliance
SAFETY / DOT compliance
- FMCSA/DoT requirements and beyond
- Truck ELD requirements for drivers logs
- Driver qualification files
Contact us for free setup
Safety Compliance
For many business owners, maintaining compliance with regulations and industry directives is a tedious pain in the back end. No one likes paperwork, and it can be hard to keep up with all the changes. Worst of all, mistakes or omissions can result in costly penalties. Thankfully, Extreme Dispatch Service has your solution.
What is Extreme Dispatch Service?
How To Get Started
Extreme Dispatch Service job is to provide the best loads in the market for every driver. Our expert team ensures that drivers from any region and state get high-quality and best-paying loads.
01- Fill out the form or call us:((323) 746-0030)
02 - Upload your MC Authority, W9 Form and
Certificate of Insurance
03 - Sign the Dispatch Agreement completed by
our team
04 - We are all set. Let's get to work
Contact us for free setup

FMCSA/DoT Requirements and Beyond
Navigating all the rules and regulations under the Department of Transportation and Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations can be time-consuming. There is a lot of documentation and monitoring required, even if it’s just for a 1-ton truck. Here are some requirements you need to know.
Driver Qualification
Unsurprisingly, if you are going to employ drivers to carry interstate and intrastate loads, they require driver qualification files, which include information such as driving history, employment history, road test certificate, certificate of violations, and a three-year inquiry to state agencies. That’s in addition to meeting the general driving credentials. Driver qualification logs must be updated annually. DoT also requires drug and alcohol testing in certain circumstances.
Truck ELD Requirements for Drivers Logs/ELogs for Truck Drivers
As of December 2019, the FMCSA truck ELD requirements took effect. Carriers must monitor compliance with the daily Hours of Service mandate using an ELD (electronic logging device that creates electronic logs for truck drivers) connected to the truck engine. You also need to conduct monthly recaps of drivers logs and reports in order to take corrective action if there is non-compliant behavior. The elogs for truck drivers are an easy target for DoT inspectors and auditors, so it is imperative to ensure that you get this right.
Other Requirements
Of course, the DoT/FMCSA also allows roadside safety and state mileage audits and inspections. Additionally, you can have IRP and IFTA audits. That’s a lot to be on top of — so why not let Extreme Dispatch Service worry about that?

Choosing a DOT Compliance Service
There is very little room to maneuver when it comes to compliance. The trucking industry is regulated carefully and precisely, and this is done for good reason — to protect the rights of drivers and of clients and to ensure the safety of everyone on the road. This makes staying compliant critical for all drivers and owner-operators. It also means that there is no margin for error.
With this in mind, it makes sense to choose a DOT compliance service that can help you secure compliance without the hassle. As a truck driver, you already have a lot on your mind when it comes to running your business and providing your services to your clients in the right way. Letting a trusted partner take care of your compliance can make the other aspects of operation much easier.
Take a look at some of the benefits of working with a trusted DOT compliance partner.
Peace of mind when handling electronic logs for truck drivers
Drivers logs now need to be fully digitized. This means, your drivers’ daily logs and all other regular logging and reporting need to be handled by a truck ELD. This makes life easier for truck drivers, but it also adds an element of anxiety. These electronic drivers logs need to be properly managed and maintained, and failing to do this can result in non-compliance and a hefty fine.
The right service provider will manage these elogs for truck drivers so you don’t have to worry about it. This way, you can appreciate the benefits of electronic logs for drivers without experiencing any of the hassles and difficulties that can come with this.
Protect your business’s revenue
ELD truck requirements and other compliance regulations are enforced by government agencies and authorities. This means you could be facing a fine if you are found to be operating outside the compliance rules and regulations. Making sure your truck elogs are up to date, and ensuring that your business adheres fully to all safety regulations, helps you avoid any such penalties.
But, in fact, the right service can achieve even more for you and your business. Regulatory compliance is something that your clients really care about. They want to know that you are following drivers logs rules, maintaining public safety, and doing everything you can to be a responsible and reliable driver and owner-operator. When you are compliant with regulation, you are providing this to your customers, and a compliance service helps you ensure this.
Grow your business with confidence
You are focused on achieving great results for your clients right here and right now, but you are also thinking about the future. You need to be able to grow your business and expand what you provide to your customers, and you need to be able to do all of this with confidence.
Perhaps you want to add larger vehicles to your business fleet — and get an ELD for one ton truck, for example. Or, you simply want to make sure that all of your commercial vehicles and trucks are on the ELD system. Maybe you want to ensure that all of your vehicles and your operations are fully compliant with safety regulation, even at scale. The right service provider will be able to achieve this for you.
Focus on running your business in the right way
You love to drive, and you love to serve your clients wherever they are found. You might not love logging your driver activity or meticulously checking each and every aspect of compliance regulation to make sure you are in adherence.
This is why DOT compliance services are so useful to truck drivers and owner-operators. With these services, drivers can focus on doing what they do best — driving and going above and beyond client expectations.
How Extreme Dispatch Service Keeps You Compliant
With our years of industry expertise and experience, we at Extreme Dispatch Service always have a finger on the pulse of the DoT/FMCSA regulatory matrix. We stay on top of all developments so that our clients don’t have to — after all, all they want to do is drive and make money, and we’re here to help them do just that. In addition to our comprehensive load dispatch services, we also help owners/operators and motor carriers with:
Driver Qualification File Preparation and Management – Creating and maintaining driver qualification files take time and effort that you could be spending on driving loads and making more money. Extreme Dispatch Service is happy to gather and prepare all driver qualification documents and research so that all you have to worry about is deciding who to hire and evaluate. Our electronic file management system makes staying on top of your driver qualification files easy and reliable.
Management of ELD Logs – Extreme Dispatch Service has extensive bring forward/reminder systems that help us ensure all monitoring, assessment, and recap reports are up to snuff. We also pinpoint any driver violations and check for any signs of log falsification. Thus, you not only stay compliant but also take appropriate and timely corrective action to curb any non-compliant conduct.
Audit Assistance – Extreme Dispatch Service can assist with and help you prepare for upcoming audits and inspections. We can make the appropriate assessments and take you through any type of mock audit — safety, mileage, IRP, IFTA, and anything else the FMCSA/DoT wants to throw at you. We also assist with the CAP letter or post-audit response.
Consulting Services – Extreme Dispatch Service keeps abreast of all developments in the DoT/FMCSA regulatory field and can take you through all the rules and requirements.
What You Get with Extreme Dispatch Service Compliance Solutions
At Extreme Dispatch Service, our sole purpose is to help truck drivers and carriers make more money — mainly by saving them valuable time. Instead of being bogged down by paperwork and compliance monitoring and reporting, our clients can do what they do best: deliver loads and make more money. We also provide clients the peace of mind from knowing that with our extensive experience and know-how, we can help you prevent compliance violations and keep your business compliant with all industry rules and requirements. Contact us today and get on board with safety compliance — while freeing yourself up to make bigger profits.
From 5% of gross
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